18th December 2023
Netra Jyothi Charitable Trust has conducted at Prathamika krishi pattina Sahakara Sanga Niyamita Nyamati Eye Camp
Netra Jyothi Charitable Trust has conducted at Prathamika krishi pattina Sahakara Sanga Niyamita Nyamati Eye Camp done on 18th Dec 23, during which -
120 patients screened
20 patients free surgery done
15 Free Spectacles distributed

5,00,000+ Government School Children at Goa Screened For Free
Government school children's eye camp was conducted at Goa in 2023 under the leadership of the honorable Chief Minister of Goa Dr. Pramod Sawant. This also included training 1000+ school teachers to screen the students primarily and affected children then where screed by us. Teachers and our team totally screed around 5,00,000+ government schools students which was the most heart touching movement as we severed the future of our nation. Another step towards making “Andha Mukth” Goa

Moving Eye Clinic - To The Most Remote Places
The mobile eye clinic idea was initiated for the first time in coastal Karnataka to screen the unreached thinly populated people who can not even reach the free eye camps as well. Also keeping in mind and discovering very remote areas of Udupi and Dakshina Karnataka districts.

September - 2021
“Donate Eyes” - Mega Awareness Rally at Gujarat
Eye donation awareness rally was conducted at Gujarat on September 17, 2021, to create awareness of eye donation and also to initiate the idea of establishing eye banks at medical institutes. This is a measure step taken knowing the importance of corneal blindness. The motto behind this was to create awareness of eye donation. As most of the cornea’s are imported from Srilanka, which also encourages the ideology of “Andha Nirbhai Bharath”.

October - 2021
“Vision for All” - Mega Eye Camp at Gujarat
Mega free eye camp “Vision for all” was conducted in Gujarat, screening around 2000+ patients which is been continuously done every annually in the month of October which is indeed a great privilege to do eye camp at our honorable Prime Minster of India Mr. Narendra Modiji’s home town. Performing free surgeries with Indian make lenses and also it’s a great pleasure for us to give Indian made spectacle aids as per make in India policy. These mega camps were started during the pandemic, when our country needed us the most, and is being continued till date.

December 2021
Screened Over 4 Lakh Govt. School Children
To protect the vision of our future, the NJCT team took the initiative and screened 4 lakh government school children under the leadership of Dr. Krishna Prasad Kudlu.
Children are often unaware of eye disorders, and hence, it is our responsibility as adults and guardians to watch out for any symptoms that could indicate serious eye problems. In light of that, our team of doctors trained the school teachers to look for any symptoms that could indicate vision disorders.

October 2021
Goa ‘Vision for All’ Camps
The mega free eye camp series "Vision For All," which took place in Goa at 12 different locations between February and April 2021, was re-launched on October 4th 2021, at Cumbharjua, Goa.
These camps were held in Shri Siddesh Shripad Naik's constituency, with the support and cooperation of Goa's Chief Minister, Dr Pramodh Sawanth, and Shri Shripad Naik, Union Minister of State for Tourism, Ports, Shipping, and Waterways of India.
This day was made even more memorable as it was also Honourable Shri Shripad Naikji's birthday. Nadoja Dr. Krishnaprasad Kudlu and our NJCT team screened 750+ patients, and 550+ spectacles were distributed to patients for free!
October 2021
Appointed As the Member of Karnataka Rajyotsava Award Selection Committee
The Rajyotsava award is the highest civilian award granted by the state government in Karnataka, and Nadoja Dr. Krishna Prasad Kudlu was honoured with this award on November 1, 2019, for his service in the field of medicine. Following that, in October 2021, he became a member of the Rajyotsava award's selection committee.
September 2021
Honour To Have Served a New State During the Pandemic 一 Gujarat ‘Vision for All’ Camps
The first eye camp in Gujarat was conducted in September of 2021 in Vadnagar 一 Gujarat's ancient capital and the birthplace of our Prime Minister. The camp was hosted at the Medical Education and Research Society (GMERS) Medical College and Hospital, located at the heart of Vadnagar.
The camp was held under the leadership of Sri. Somabhai Modiji’s - Sarvodaya Seva Trust and Mr. Mohan Gowda, Secretary of BJP, Mumbai in association with Netra Jyoti charitable trust, a unit of Prasad Netralaya Super Specialty Eye Hospital, Udupi.
In Vadnagar, around 1000+ patients were screened in a single day, and about 100 patients were operated on by Dr. Krishna Prasad Kudlu and the NJCT team of doctors; 600 individuals received free glasses on the same day.
August 2021
Following COVID Safety Protocols, Free Eye Camp Was Re-started
After meeting with the Director of Health Karnataka and the Director of Minto Eye Hospital, Prasad Netralaya took the initiative to restart and regularise the free eye camp activities, adhering to all COVID - 19 safety standards.

January 2021
Vaccination Drive
The COVID-19 outbreak had an impact on our daily lives and disrupted a number of sectors. The ultimate goal for each country has been to limit transmission, prevent the spread of the virus, and preserve lives – all while facilitating economic recovery.
Prasad Netralaya was the first private eye care facility in coastal Karnataka to launch a COVID-19 vaccination drive in January 2021. Over 1000+ people were immunised.
We were thrilled and honoured when every one of our Prasad Netralaya frontline workers received their vaccination at our eye care facility. It also aided us in taking the first step toward being a COVID-free nation.